As mentioned earlier Wolf’s Tales (aka Frank Frikker & Band) have finished their new album: Keep The Night Away.

Fine tuning and mixing cam to an end early Nov. All new songs can now be found clicking on the music button. It seems a 2 years rhythm becomes the new norm. Although I always collect ideas for new stories and song titles, once an album is finished I usually have the feeling of emptiness in regards to melodies and song styles. It takes about 6 months to return. Then within a year material for the next album grows. Arranging and recording the songs take another 6 months. That’s how I/we end up with the 2 year gap.

Anyway, the job is done and we are very pleased with what we (band, guest musicians and studio/producer) have achieved. Non of the usual, repetitive pop crap ‘ cause – hey – we are children of the 70ties and 80ties. We might not get much praise for it but we are proud nevertheless.

4 thoughts on “New Album now available

    1. I assume you heard it in the meantime. Otherwise click on the music button on this website.

    1. Thanks. It is available on this website now. Click on the music button. Should be on spotify and other streaming platforms soon too. cheers

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